Green Planet - Medi-one

Green Planet - Medi-one

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
1 Ltr £21.95
4 Ltr £72.50
10 Ltr £165.00

Medi One is a multi award winning one-part, start to finish, all natural 100% organic nutrient.

It contains hydrolysed fish soluble extract from Atlantic Menhaden that are slowly steamed and hydrolysed to preserve the amino acids. These are blended with North Atlantic Kelp extract and mined potassium sulphate to provide additional nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K)

Add 20-30mls of Medi One per gallon of water and adjust the pH to the desired level. Fertilise your plants once or twice a week as needed.
When watering or fertilising try to achieve a 5%-10% run off so that any build up is gently flushed