Green Planet - Hydro Fuel Bloei A&B

Green Planet - Hydro Fuel Bloei A&B

Variation Name Price Quantity
20 Ltr £204.00
10 Ltr £102.00
4 Ltr £39.95
1 Ltr £13.95

Hydro Fuel is an exciting Dutch based nutrient formulation now available in the North American marketplace. Hydro Fuel has been a leading nutrient in the European market place and is now made under license in British Columbia under strict guidelines. Hydro Fuel uses only the finest agricultural and pharmaceutical grade raw ingredients so that there are no unwanted impurities. Also, by using only the best in raw materials Hydro Fuel stays in perfect suspension and balance. Hydro Fuel comes in a convenient easy to use two part grow (Groei) formulation and a two part bloom (Bloei) formulation. Hydro Fuel was designed to be so easy to use that you need only use equal amounts of A & B concentrates in your solution water to make up a perfectly balanced solution delivering everything your plants need. Hydro Fuel was specially designed for fast growing annuals and can be used in hydroponics, aeroponics and soilless mixes to provide everything your plants need for strong, healthy growth and for the results that you demand.