Green Planet - Bio Gold

Green Planet - Bio Gold

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
130 g £17.99
250 g £43.53
500 g £77.64

BIO-GOLD is a storehouse of rhizospheric micro-organisms that colonize the rootzone creating an unparalleled environment for healthy plant growth.
Soil Applications: Mix .6 grams per 1 gallon of de-chlorinated water to make a root drench.
For rapid inoculation, add 1.2 grams per gallon. BIO-GOLD may be used every 2-4 weeks.
Hydroponic Applications: Mix 0.6 grams per 1 gallon of de-chlorinated water in reservoir and run through system. BIO-GOLD can be used weekly with nutrient change.
Using more BIO-GOLD than what is recommended may actually reduce its effectiveness. Do not use hydrogen peroxide with BIO-GOLD.