Resin by Green Planet helps your plants produce more terpenes resulting in better aromas or flavours. Resin does not contain any PGR's (Plant Growth Regulators) nor does it affect your EC values. This means you can safely use it along side your normal nutrient regime.
Rezin is made from a combination of Ascorbic, Citric, Gluconic and Lactic Acids. Rezin was developed to greatly increase resin production. Rezin leverages the production of terpenes to amplify the essential oil and aroma profile of your plants. A byproduct of the development processes that Rezin enhances means that it also improves overall plant health. It will visually improve the “crystalline” appearance of the finished flowers.
Improves the growth rate in the vegetative portion of the growth cycle.
Vegetative: Apply 1ml/L (4ml/gal) during the last two weeks of the vegetative cycle to prime the plant for bloom.
Bloom: Apply 1ml/L (4ml/gal) during the first two weeks of bloom. Increase to 2ml/L (8ml/gal) in week 3. Continue using until harvest. (3.78 Litres = 1 US gal)