Pro-XL - SubLime Mix - 50L

Pro-XL - SubLime Mix - 50L

In Stock

PRO XL Sublime Mix with RHP certificate is ready for use and is suitable for various crops.
PRO-XL Sublime Mix is a premium quality medium mix soil combined with coco. It is light, airy, silky, soft to the touch substrate, with balanced fertilization based on the very best quality peat, perlite, lime, bits of coconut grit, mineral fertilizers and trace elements; as used in professional horticulture.

PRO-XL Sublime Mix is ready for use; mix the substrate as little as possible to retain the perfect structure. The amount of fertilizer in PRO-XL Sublime Mix is sufficient for the first 10 – 15 days; start fertilizing on time via irrigation water to avoid deficiencies. Use PRO-XL concentrated plant food and PRO-XL components for best results. Always keep a focused cultivation schedule and analyse the substrate regularly.

PRO-XL Sublime-mix also carries the RHP quality mark and falls under the A category. The quality mark guarantees the quality of the product and that it is free from impurities, in the customer’s chain from harvesting to processing. The quality mark guarantees security, safety, and product quality .

Available in: 50L Bags