Plagron - Sugar Royal

Plagron - Sugar Royal

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
250ml £25.95
500ml £38.95
1 Ltr £59.99
5 Ltr £214.95

Plagron Sugar Royal is a very powerful organic stimulator, that is made from amino acids. The combination of ingredients enhances the production of chlorophyll, increasing the sugar levels in your plants.

Some of the amino acids in Plagron Sugar Royal will push your plants to react as though they are going to dry out and they will naturally try to protect themselves in the best possible way, by maximising their sugar production. The increase in sugar levels will lead to a sweeter tasting crop with a much stronger fragrance.

If you want the best results possible from your crop, we highly recommend you use Plagron Sugar Royal during your plants flowering period, combined with Plagron Green Sensation a powerful flowering stimulator that contains enzymes and an extra dose of organic phosphorus and potassium, for the optimum results.