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Nitrozyme, a highly concentrated extract from sea plants, contains a vast array of natural growth enhancers. Nitrozyme has been tested on many commercial crops and has shown outstanding yield increases. Nitrozyme contains powerful natural growth enhancers, exotic micro-nutrients and bio-stimulants. The high concentration of these biological agents will potentiate the growth process of the plant, with specific advantage to its current stage of growth.

Nitrozyme – the pure organic growth enhancer

Nitrozyme is very highly concentrated and comes from natural sources.

It is non-toxic and poses no environmental hazards.

Nitrozyme has many uses for the serious grower and used correctly it can help produce healthier more vigorous plants and higher yields.

Nitrozyme restores and enhances the interaction between soil and roots, increasing vigour and improving crop performance.

Just one example from the Test Result Summary

Ottawa Research Station of Agriculture, Canada (J.A. Simmonds & M. Beauchamp) 1. Nitrozyme increases the rate of germination, growth, and flowering of Impatiens. 2. Nitrozyme can shorten by four days the time required to grow Impatiens seedlings for bedding plants. 3. Nitrozyme treated plants had 50% more leaves than their untreated counterparts, and these leaves were one-third larger on the plants receiving Nitrozyme. Their conclusions: 44% improvement in germination rate 57% more leaves 34% larger leaves 5 days earlier flowering 6% reduction in operation time

Nitrozyme Test Results

Nitrozyme has been extensively tested on a wide range of crops. Most of the testing was carried out in Canada at various universities and prestigious agricultural research facilities. Nitrozyme has shown outstanding results in these trials over all the crops tested. These results are drawn together in the Nitrozyme Test Result Summary.

Nitrozyme Applications

Cuttings - New cuttings can be misted to reduce stress and improve performance Young plants - Nitrozyme can be applied to roots or foliage to enhance growth. Foliar - Nitrozyme can be misted over plants at any time – most effective in the early stages of growth.