LightWave T5 - Replacement Tubes

LightWave T5 - Replacement Tubes

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
24w Blue 2ft (Fluorescent) £3.95
24w Red 2ft (Fluorescent) £3.95
54w Blue 4ft (Fluorescent) £5.95
54w Red 4ft (Fluorescent) £5.95
21w Blue 2ft LED Strip £11.95
41w Blue 4ft LED Strip £13.95


These excellent low wattage propagation units come available as 2 way with one option or 4 way with two options:

2 way,  48 watt  - (2 ft)    Dims. 60 cms Long x 23 cmsWide x 6 cms Depth  (2 x 24 watt bulbs) Ideal for small grow rooms.

or for larger scale and perfect to fit into the Homebox XL we suggest either:

4 way, 96 watt  -  Dims. 119 cms Long x 37 cms Wide x 6 cms Deep (4 x 24 watt bulbs)

4 way, 216 watt - Dims. 119 x 37 cms Wide x 6 cms Deep  (4 x 54 watt bulbs)

The 4 way option is best for growers who wish to create a high performance vegative grow room / propagation room.

A fantastic propagation innovation, utiilising renowned T5 grow lamp technology with a super sleek design, this light-optimising, energy efficient Lightwave promises to do wonders for your plants without costing the earth! The shades are set in a sturdy frame for long usage of life.

The T5 Lightwaves are ideal for the Cloneboxes as they can be placed above each other without the heat affecting the ones above.