IWS Pots, Stands & Accessories

IWS Pots, Stands & Accessories

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
Inner Pot - Aqua £4.50
Inner Pot - Culture £4.50
Inner Pot - Punched £4.50
Stand £9.99
Outer Pot Drilled £4.50
HWS Outer Pot 25L £5.50
HWS Inner Pot 25L £5.50
Autodrain Brain £99.99
IWS Run to Waste Trays £14.00

Using the IWS Inner Pot:

The IWS inner pot fits inside a separately available IWS outer pot. The outer pot is connected to the system via a gland at the bottom and sits on top of an IWS pot stand. The inner pot can be filled with suitable substrate and your chosen plant can then be potted up. As always, take great care when handling root systems to reduce stress as much as possible. Once your plant is potted up, the inner pot can be positioned on top of the outer and your system can be turned on.