Indizono 300 12''

Indizono 300 12''

  • Indizono 300 12'' £449.95
  • Replacement Plate £49.99
Variation Name Price Quantity
Indizono 300 12'' £449.95
Replacement Plate £49.99

Indizono 300mm 12" Inline Ozone Generator
Indizono 300mm 12" Inline ozone generator Stainless steel tube with three ceramic plates producing 10.500 mg/h
Indizono presents its new range of Air purifiers for the treatment of residual odours in indoor growing, thanks to its powerful ceramic plate, each plate produces 3,500 mg / h.
The generator should be installed past the extractor fan before air is removed from room, ozone oxidizes everything in its path, killing at least three meters to the exit.
Although a carbon filter is still advisable to retain the dust and suspended particles.