House & Garden - Aqua Flakes A&B

House & Garden - Aqua Flakes A&B

  • 1L £10.00
  • 10L £37.00
Variation Name Price Quantity
1L £10.00
10L £37.00

*old packaging*
House & Garden A&B Aqua Flakes have been designed for use in both run to waste rock wool and NFT re-circulating style systems. The special composition of the nutrient solution leaves the water reservoir pure and keeps it fresh. At the same time it provides an excellent balanced nutrient, ensuring the optimal absorption at the root zone.

House & Garden Aqua Flakes based nutrient is composed of liquid nutrients and trace elements and contains no bulking agents which make the transfer from the root zone to the plant easier. Aqua Flakes is composed from the purest highquality nutrients that are available on the market to date, including Eddha-Fe (iron). This enables the plant to absorb the nutrient quickly and effectively. In short, if you want an excellent start for your plants use House & Garden A&B Aqua Flakes.
