Green Planet - Finisher

Green Planet - Finisher

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
1 Ltr £18.90
4 Ltr £66.00
10 Ltr £133.00
24 Ltr £260.00

FINISHER is a must have for use in the last 3 weeks of the flowering stage. Precisely designed for the heaviest harvest, FINISHER is a unique blend of organic enzyme activators, vitamins, essential amino acids and carbohydrates. The ingredients combined will unleash the full flowering potential of your favourite plants or herbs. FINISHER optimizes harvest weight, promotes vigorous growth, enhances flavour and taste, and increases the health of your flowering plants. - Totally unique, no other product compares to this. - Designed to enlarge flowers 3 weeks previous to harvest. - Highly recommended for use with TOPLOAD.