Organic root accelerant
• Explosive root and foliage growth throughout veg helps reduce overall cropping time and minimizes transplant stress. Plants can often be “flipped” sooner.
• Produces greener, healthier foliage and fruits with less signs of stress.
• Root-XS will NOT induce foul residues, foaming or odors in the reservoir, nor cause blockages to drippers and filters.
• Suitable as both a root feed and foliar spray.
• Available in larger pack sizes – 1L, 5L, 20L and 1,000L – suitable for large scale commercial applications.
• Dosage: 2ml/L (7.5 ml/Gal) throughout seed, veg and week 1-3 of bloom.
• CAUTION: Organic additive – NEVER use in conjunction with chlorines or peroxides.