Dutch Pro - Leaf Green

Dutch Pro - Leaf Green

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
1 Ltr £9.95
5 Ltr £33.50
10 Ltr £56.30
20 Ltr £89.05

Dutch Pro Leaf Green is an RTU (ready to use) spraying liquid perfect for giving any struggling plants a little push!

Dutch Pro Leaf Green is a fantastic product, designed to help revive sickly and stressed yellowing plants. After application Dutch Pro Leaf Green will transform your sickly yellow plants back to a healthy vibrant green colour whilst also aiding innutrient uptake.

Please note: Any application of Dutch Pro Leaf Green should be administered at least three hours before your lights are activated. If you spray you plants less than three hours before your light-on cycle you risk any leftover water droplets magnifying your HID lighting and subsequently burning holes in your foliage.