Dr Forest - Bloom 2-8-10 -
Organic Bloom 2-8-10 Fertiliser with Seaweed & Humic Acid
Dr Forest’s Organic Bloom 2-8-10 Fertiliser contains Irish Black Soldier Fly Frass, Scottish Seaweed, Tunisian Rock Phosphate, Organic 5-4-3 Fertiliser, Sulphate of Potash, Diastatic Malted Barley, Fermented Bio-Char, Organic Humic & Fulvic Acid, Norwegian Fishmeal, Dried Worm Castings, Yorkshire Polyhalite, Organic Epsom Salt.
It is designed for the fruiting/flower stage of plant growth. The fertiliser includes Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Micro Nutrients, Natural Growth Promotors (found in seaweed & diastatic malted barley), Humic Acid and Micro-Organisms.
All carefully sourced high quality products.
Directions For Use:
Top Dressing 1– 4 ml per litre. Every 2 - 6 weeks or as crop needs.
Outdoor 50 –125g per metre squared. Every six weeks during growing season.