Cyco - Potash Plus

Cyco - Potash Plus

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Variation Name Price Quantity
1L Was £14.95 £10.00
5L Was £39.95 £25.00

Cyco Potash Plus – Mild PK Booster Used for Early Flowering:
Cyco Potash Plus is actually more of a mild PK booster as it fulfils plants' requirements for both phosphorus and potassium, which increase during the bloom phase.
These essential macro-nutrients help to produce abundant flowers and substantial fruits. Cyco Potash also contains sulphur, which is used in the production of chlorophyll,
the main component in the process of photosynthesis. When your plants photosynthesise more efficiently, they can create more sugars using the carbon extracted from CO2 in the air.
This in turn delivers much, much heavier fruits. Sulphur also has the effect of increasing phosphorus uptake, making this key nutrient more available to the plant.

Used as an early flowering / fruiting enhancer
Increase the density of flower clusters, giving more potential for fruiting
Accelerates the process of photosynthesis
Provides key macro-nutrients
Administered at 1.0ml per litre
Use Potash Plus for the first 4 weeks of flower, then switch to using 'Swell'
Delivers great results in any medium or grow system