Crop Guard - LaminAid TH - 250ml

Crop Guard - LaminAid TH - 250ml

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If you notice the leaves on your plant becoming discoloured and silvery or see marks like scratches, Crop Guard LaminAid TH may be able to clear it up! Crop Guard LaminAid TH gets rid of the problem in one quick, easy treatment. Great for times when your normal preventative measures have failed!

Crop Guard LaminAid PM stops leaves becoming discoloured & silvery
Helps prevent crop damage due to certain conditions.
Fast acting and effective
Concentrated – use diluted as a foliar spray

Crop Guard – LaminAid TH 250Mls Contains:

250 milliliters of Crop Guard LaminAid TH concentrate

How Crop Guard – LaminAid TH Works:

Crop Guard LaminAid TH gets stops the spread of discolouration and silvery marks on your plant’s leaves in one easy treatment. Crop Guard LaminAid TH is used diluted as a spray making it great value-for-money. When silver marks or scratches appear on leaves it is important to act quickly.

Using Crop Guard – LaminAid TH:

Crop Guard LaminAid TH can be used on plants grown in any substrate and in any kind of grow-system. LaminAid TH is designed to stop the spread of silvery marks on plant leaves. For best effect use every 14 days from first planting until 2 weeks before harvest.

Always shake the bottle well before use. Add Crop Guard LaminAid TH to water at a rate of 20ml/litre and mix well. Use a spray-gun set to “fine” to apply the diluted DustOff PM to the tops and bottom of leaves & stems, ensuring a thorough and even coverage.

As with all foliar sprays, only spray your plants during low-light conditions, ideally when your grow-lamp has just gone out at the beginning of the dark-period. This stops the problem of leaf-burn due to intense light hitting wet leaves. Always make sure that no spray comes into contact with your grow-lamp.