

In Stock
Variation Name Price Quantity
Single System £70.00
Double System £89.50
Kit Box Single £70.00
Kit Box Double £25.00

The Bubble Box comes complete with a drip ring Kit, water Pump, and Plastics - Simply place a Air stone in the bottom of your bubble tray ( Hailea Volume Air Round Ceramic Air stone Recommended!)

Fill it up with clay pebbles, place your Water pump into the nutrient Reservoir and connect the drip ring kit. Then simply place your cutting or seedling into the middle of the drip ring buried in the clay pebbles. Also have an extra air stone in the water Nutrient under the Bubble Tray Which will allow your plant roots to keep on growing into the reservoir Resulting into one High Yielding Plant

. The Bubblebox is the ideal system for growers looking for flexibility and fantastic results. This popular DWC technique is now even easier to undertake, thanks to the creation of the Bubble Box.