600W Powerplant Super HPS Lamp

600W Powerplant Super HPS Lamp

HPS bulbs are the most common HID to use, especially during flowering, giving off characteristic reddish light. The red in the light spectrum encourages good flower/ fruit growth. It is possible to use HPS during vegetative growth, but only for a week or two. Older plants start to look a little unnatural and 'lanky', with large internodal length and brittle stems. For this reason conversion bulbs, or enhanced spectrum bulbs are needed, or even better, a Metal Halide. HPS bulbs can be re-started after about 3 minutes if powered down.

Power Plant HPS High Pressure Sodium - 600w watt.

Power Plant High Pressure Sodium lamps promote optimum vegetative growth and flowering.

Provides a richer more nutritious light