1000W Sunmaster Dual Spectrum Lamp

1000W Sunmaster Dual Spectrum Lamp

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This Sunmaster 1000W dual spectrum grow lamp was the first 1000W dual spectrum bulb to hit the market and will provide plenty of usable light to your plants during all stages of plant growth. Being a HPS bulb it emits mainly red spectrum light for the flowering / fruiting stages of development. However, dual spectrum lamps have been tweaked to also provide enough blue spectrum light to encourage healthy and vigorous growth during the vegetative stage of development.

In recent times many growers have turned to using dual spectrum grow lights instead of separate metal halide and HPS bulbs for the vegetative and flowering / fruiting stages of growth. This is mainly due to an increasing number of growers reporting extremely positive results from using dual spectrum lamps and results that are comparable to using separate lamps for vegetative and flowering stages.

Our Opinion

The Sunmaster range of dual spectrum grow lights are specifically tailored to the horticultural market and overall they offer fantastic performance at a great price. If you’re looking for an all-round lighting solution that won’t compromise the performance of your plants then this Sunmaster dual spectrum lamps will serve you well. We highly recommend them.

This Sunmaster 1000W dual spectrum features:

Output of 140,000 lumens
Great photosyntentically active radiation (PAR) range
Suitable for veg and flower stages