What are The Benefits of Using Rockwool as a Growing Medium?

grodan rockwool cubes

 Rockwool is a natural material that has been a staple in horticulture since the early 1900s. It's made up of small pieces of volcanic glass called felsite. These tiny particles are bonded together by silica gel, a naturally occurring substance found in soil. These are compressed into blocks which are then cut into cubes and stacked on top of each other until they reach the desired size. This creates a porous structure that allows water and air to pass through easily.


Okay, so it's porous. What else?

The porous nature of rockwool cubes means they're one of the easiest materials to use when growing your own plants. It's able to (litre for litre) hold and release considerably more water than soil or coco coir. It is easy to work with, inexpensive, and requires no special equipment.

Can I clean Rockwool?

Sure you can! One method is to soak it in hot water with a mild detergent. You could also use a solution of vinegar and water. In the absence of either (detergent or vinegar) you can use bleach. Just don't forget the water.

How long should my Rockwool last?

If properly maintained, rockwool should last longer than other growing media. However, you should avoid storing it for more than six months at room temperature. If kept in a refrigerator, it should only be kept there for three months.

 Our go-to is Grodan, their rockwool cubes are ready-holed for even further ease of use and are ideal for rooting cuttings. We also stock slabs whose stable, predominantly vertical fibre structure promotes rapid rooting and vigorous vegetative growth.